Unlocking the Transylvania Route V3.5

Unlocking the Transylvania Route V3.5

If you already own the Transylvania Route V3, you will unlock a free Transylvania Route V3.5 upon the purchase of the Alba Iulia-Zlatna Route, which has to be downloaded separately from our Catalog section. Beware that the process is manual and can take a few days. Please write us in case it takes more than 3 days. Also, make sure that you buy the Alba Iulia-Zlatna Route with the same account in which you have the Transylvania Route V3.

The Transylvania Route V3.5 consists of the whole Transylvania Route V3 and the Alba Iulia-Zlatna extension, and also brings 2 more freight scenarios (Comandă pentru Sibiu – Zlatna – Copșa Mică and Pregătiri pentru aplicație militară – Cugir-Zlatna).

Beware that the Transylvania Route V3.5 has a length of around 300 kilometers, which will take its toll on the FPS. Thus, the FPS will be lower than that of the Alba Iulia-Zlatna Route. We recommend that you should only use that route in case you want to include the Alba Iulia-Zlatna extension with the rest of the route in your scenarios (ex. a Deva-Zlatna scenario).

The V3.5 route can be found on our „Catalog” section on the website, or on this link: https://railmarkt.com/products/transylvania-route-v3-5-deva-zlatna-medias-cluj-napoca

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